I want you to think about a time that you hit rock bottom. Ya know those seasons where it just seems like all the odds are stacked against you? Everything seems to be falling apart?
That’s exactly where Dani was when one sentence changed her entire life. In today’s episode, Dani is getting really raw about her past and how she made a decision to never return to broke again and became a millionaire within two years.
In This Episode You Will Learn:
- How the very lowest points in your life can actually be some of the most powerful motivators to step up, rise up and do something great with your life.
- That God works miracles, not matter who you are, what you’ve done and what your life might look like right now.
- How to ignore the programming from your past and listen to the only voice that truly matters.
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The post The Making Of A Millionaire appeared first on Dani Johnson.