What would you say if I told you, you’re wasting one of your biggest assets? You’d probably want to know what it was, right?
Well, everybody has a circle of influence. In fact, the average person knows 2,000 people by the time they’re 20 years old.
That means every single day you have the power to influence thousands of people, just by opening your mouth or posting on social media. However, MOST people don’t realize they even have this power! So what do they do? They waste those opportunities!
You can choose to ignore your circle of influence, like the majority. Or you can actually use this resource to build your business, find a job, look for a date or expose your product or service.
You’re probably reminded of a few slimy “friends” you once had on Facebook – who just wouldn’t stop shoving their businesses in your face – until you became so exhausted, you finally “unfriended” them. But that isn’t what I mean. You can use your influence, without resorting to shameless self-promotion.
I’m talking about creating mutually-beneficial relationships. How many times have you heard an acquaintance, friend or family member express a need for something? They’re looking for a hair stylist, they just put their house on the market, they need a new babysitter, etc.
Here’s your opportunity to become a “connector.” Help your friends fill their needs! Know someone who is hiring and another person who is looking for a job? Refer your friend! This fills two needs simultaneously!
I’m a firm believer in the idea of what you hand out, will come back to you. So when you refer, who do you think is the first name that come to mind, when they refer within their circle of influence? (And remember, they each know at least 2,000 people you don’t know! Can you see that value for YOU?)
Becoming a resource for your friends not only increases your value, but it essentially represents free advertising for you! Not only that, but you are helping the people in your life and strengthening those relationships.
Marketers are always trying to get your list. Think of it this way – Abercrombie & Fitch isn’t just trying to get YOU to buy their clothes. They want YOU to advertise for them. That’s why they put their label on the outside. You become a walking advertisement for their clothes within your circle of influence. So if these marketers find your list so valuable, why don’t YOU use your own list???
Building a list and using the resources right in front of you, will open so many doors and opportunities: jobs, loyal clients, better relationships and more! You should be consistently building and adding to your list of resources.
Start today, by asking “Who do I know?” You’ll be surprised by the number of people you actually know and the possible resources you waste. As you focus on becoming a connector, you will be shocked by how it raises your value and brings new opportunities your way! And, you can start RIGHT NOW by sharing this message and letting me know how YOU “connect” below!
Please remember to join me today for The Dani Johnson Show to gain more insights and inspiration for your life. You can find the show on your TV and radio and please remember you can always stream today’s show right here on our website.
And, be sure to get Dani “on-the-go” when you subscribe to our YouTube channel, where you can keep up with new messages being posted daily!
In great faith,
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